Thank you for considering joining the Indiana Hearing Alliance (IHA). We are professionals in our industry and we keep our industry strong. We are excited for you to become a member and be a part of our efforts to strengthen and guide our industry.
A Brief History
IHA has been protecting the rights of Indiana hearing aid dispensers since 1965. As an Affiliate Chapter of the International Hearing Society (IHS), IHA abides by the IHS Code of Ethics and promotes professional standards of practice.
IHA is also engaged in legislative and regulatory monitoring and lobbying to influence practical oversight of how licensed Hearing Aid Dealers in Indiana practice and are regulated. IHS also assists Affiliate Chapters through their Government Affairs and Advocacy team.
IHA has been successful on the legislative front by defeating attempts to “sunset” eliminate the Hearing Aid Dealers’ license in Indiana, as lately as 2024. Your membership supports our lobby efforts and helps to defend ALL licensed Hearing Aid Dealers’ right to practice.
Your membership is vital to our mission as we lobby for regulations in ways that are practical, safe, and effective for licenses and their “trainees” while also serving consumers.
Membership Options
Please see the membership options below, join and make your voice heard. It's a very inexpensive insurance policy to help keep our Professional Hearing Healthcare practices recognized as such. Set yourself apart and above the crowd by becoming a member.
Learn more about how to join us below!
Regular Member- ($150) Voting – Those whose principle activity within the hearing instrument profession is the retail selling, fitting and servicing of hearing instruments, legally qualified by statute to dispense hearing instruments, and not employed by a manufacturer or corporation involved in the wholesale distribution of hearing instruments or accessories. To retain membership, a Regular Member must meet the minimum educational requirements established by the Indiana Hearing Aid Alliance Board of Directors.
Associate Member ($525) Non-Voting – Any individual, business or corporation, who is not legally qualified by statute to dispense hearing instruments, or who is an employee of a manufacturer or corporation involved in the wholesale distribution fo hearing instruments or accessories, or who fails to comply with IHAA minimal educational standards will be eligible for Associate membership.
Affiliate Member ($75) Non-Voting – Those members who are employees of regular members; registered by the State of Indiana Hearing Aid Dealers Registration Act; and whose principle activity within the hearing instrument field is the retail selling and fitting of hearing instruments may hold affiliate membership. To retain membership, an Affiliate member must meet the minimum educational requirements established by the IHAA Board of Directors.
Honorary Members (complimentary) Non-Voting – The title of Honorary Member may be conferred by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a membership meeting, upon one who has rendered outstanding service or made invaluable contributions to the hearing impaired.